I stopped worrying about my random acts of wildness being too simple and decided that today I'd make a little water station for the garden birds that are coming to the feeders hanging in my Acer tree.
An easy task which involved digging out a small hole, sinking a double diner plastic cat bowl into it, adding small stones to the bottom of the bowls before filling them with water. Then to stop any soil falling back into it I added some small pieces of slate I had to the edges.
Each bowl is more than big enough for a small garden bird to have a drink and even a wash from so all I need to do now is make sure that I top the water up daily.
Of course I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I'm not really happy with the pieces of slate as edging so I will no doubt replace them with some stone similar to what I have around the edges of my pond. In the meantime, at least the birds now have somewhere to grab a quick drink when visiting the garden to feed.
Eventually I got round to
changing this little water station
to something a little more
pleasing to the eyes:
pleasing to the eyes:
Ha ha, seems a bit ironic using a cat bowl for the birds! Great idea though - I might nick that one as I've been thinking about how I can make my garden more bird friendly.
ReplyDeleteNo problem Julie, go for it. I read to use stones in the bottom to stop the birds sliding around on the plastic. Just waiting to see them use it now.
DeleteI love seeing the birds have a splash about!! Great use of a cat bowl. Sarah
ReplyDeleteThanks, not much to look at really with this one and I'm not sure I like the finished results as it is. Will probably have to alter it at some point.
DeleteI like this one, specially the ironic repurposing of a cat bowl!
ReplyDeleteGood Idea, I do have a bird bath, but they have now found the pond and started bathing in that, they do like a soil bath too often found rolling round in pots. So I might make a sand pit for mine this week.
ReplyDeleteAmanda xx
Great idea. Have you seen the insect drinking station idea too? I used to have an old lunchbox filled with water with some large pebbles in it for bugs to sit on... another 30 days wilder made one using marbles! http://matthew-woodhouse-wsgl.squarespace.com/new-blog-avenue/30-days-wild
ReplyDeleteThanks Louise, will have a look.