Monday, 8 June 2015

Day 08 Walk around a Lake

Isn't it typical, it's been sunny all day whilst I've been at work but come the evening the rain arrives.  Actually it was still sunny as I set off for Abbey Lakes this evening but I knew it would be raining sooner or later as I headed down the motorway towards the dark rainclouds which loomed in the direction I was heading.

You'd think June would be good for the 30 Days Wild Challenge weather wise but so far it hasn't been too kind.  Hopefully it'll get better as the days go on or else my photos may all be a little dull. 

I found Abbey Lakes a few years ago and visit here often with my wife and girls.  Usually it's on a hot sunny day and we'll walk around it with an ice cream or ice lolly in hand.

Today I had to settle for drizzle and a dull sky which meant my photos weren't the best of quality but still it was worth the drive up.  Quiet and void of other people, I had the lake to myself.  Well, myself and my eldest daughter who accompanied me for today's act of random wildness.


reaching the lake from the wooded path

the route around the lake

a little video footage of the ducks

looking across the lake

coot with it's young

view from one of 
the anglers platforms

the swampy bit,
the far end of the pond

water forget-me-nots

a glimpse of the lake again



common rhododendron

boardwalk across the stream

ducks coming for biscuits

white duck


rain circles on the lake

nettles,creeping buttercup
and forget-me-nots


  1. It looks like a lovely walk despite the weather!

  2. Looks a lovely walk. The baby coots are so cute

  3. Looks like another nice place to visit, missing warm evening walks at the park this year too..
    Amanda xx
