Monday, 15 June 2015

Day 15 Visit a Relatives Garden

After a busy weekend visiting a nature reserve and a wetland centre I chose to do something simple for todays random act of wildness.  After tea this evening I walked up to my Aunty and Uncles house to spend some time in their garden drinking tea, admiring the flowers and enjoying the warm evening air.

They live about a ten minute walk from my house and I always enjoy popping in to say hello and have a walk around their garden. My Aunty always has her garden looking lovely and this evening I was able to admire many different colours and scents from the flowers. I always like to have a look at their wildlife pond too and this evening I spent a few minutes watching the tadpoles swim around.


  1. Lovely garden. Very impressed with the immaculate lawn. Just mowed mine and the polka dots are looking good now!

  2. What a brilliant garden! Lovely to do something simple too.

  3. That is a really lovely garden!!! How lovely to visit it.

  4. Oh, what a lovely garden to sit and relax in and the pond looks wonderful too:)
