Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Day 16 Walk through a Meadow

For this evenings random act of wildness I drove up to the Beacon Country Park in Skelmersdale to walk through the meadows.  It's been sunny today and so it was nice to enjoy a walk around the Country Park in the glorious early evening sunshine.  I was accompanied by my eldest daughter tonight whilst my youngest stayed behind to do her homework.

 walk through a meadow

I owe a lot to the Beacon Country Park because it is the reason why I have an appreciation for wildlife and the countryside.

During the summer holidays as a child I was lucky enough to spend time staying with my Aunty and Uncle in Skelmersdale.

Whilst there I did many an early morning walk up around the park with one of my cousins who happened to be really into wildlife. 

These walks at an early age helped forge within me a love of wildlife and the countryside which has remained with me until this day.  Both my daughters were introduced to this Country Park at very early ages and it is still one of our regular family walking spots.

Whilst the aim of this evenings visit was to walk through a meadow, we spent a good couple of hours walking around the park taking in the views and the fresh air.  We also paid a visit to several of the ponds scattered around the park as we always do when we visit.

Leaving the Car Park

First pond we visited

No tadpoles here

Daughter looking for tadpoles

In the distance
Billinge Hill 
where we walked on Day 11

Heading off to one of
many meadows

Top of the hill

Half way down the hill,
meadows in sight

Meadow from the hill

Me walking through the meadow

Gosh I need to lose some weight!


Yellow Rattle

Buttercup and cuckoo spit

Plodding on

view up the hill to the trees

Benches on the hill
looking down on the meadow

Heading to the second pond

The second pond we visited

A quick sit down

I like it when you first approach
a pond and the light reflects of it.

Lots and lots of 



Horsetail Plant

These Horsetail plants
seemed to play with my eyes

Yellow, purple and green

Orchids and Buttercups


Cobbled path
through the woods
(I loved walking up this as a child)

More meadows


On we continue

Picking up the stone path

Panorama of our view
from the stone path

Lush meadows

Nearing the next pond we visited

Looking for Great Crested Newts

Lots of coverage

No newts spotted today

A few tadpoles

Another meadow

One of many Bees

Another quick sit down
on the bench
overlooking the meadow

Billinge Hill from the bench

I definitely need to lose weight
More colour

Last meadow before the car park

My companion
for this evenings walk

Some other people
enjoying the Beacon Country Park


  1. Lots of lovely photos, Ian. Seems like you're making good use of your new wildflower guide too ;-)

    1. Thanks Julie. Yes, the new wildflower guide is helpful.

  2. Great photos Ian, looks a great place and all those lovely wildflowers in the meadow too. We've looked in vain for newts, either they are hiding themselves away or it hasn't been a good year for them:)

  3. A lovely post and great photos. Looks a wonderful place to walk and look at wildlife. Really loved the wildflower meadow :)

  4. What a lovely place - plenty of wildlife to spot too! It's great that your daughters are joining you on some of the walks this month :)
