"I'll be looking
for lizards in
the sand dunes"
I had a lazy day today getting ready for tomorrow and the start of '30 Days Wild' Challenge. I did however venture out to my local shops early this morning to fetch a copy of the Independent on Sunday as there was a chance that I may be in the featured article about the Wildlife Trusts '30 Days Wild' campaign having been contacted by the Independent reporter Katie Grant to discuss some of the things I'd be doing for the challenge.
An interesting article which talks about only 1 in 10 children ever playing in wild spaces and children not understanding the value of nature. It also talks about the benefits people reap from getting back to nature and how the body gets stressed when you become separated from it.
You can read the full article on the INDEPENDENT website under the Environment > Nature section by clicking HERE
And yes, I did feature in the article, although I must put the record straight and say that a local group are not going vole watching along the river but I plan to go vole watching along a local brook called the 'River Alt'as part of the challenge.
Looking for inspiration?
There are literally hundreds
of bloggers taking part in
30 Days Wild this month!
People from all over
People from all over
the country are blogging
about their
Random Acts of Wildness
from the Isle of Mull
Northern Island,
from central London
You can see the full list
on the Wildlife Trusts
website by clicking